

The Work Vault
6th May 2019
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Saving Money as a Student

Saving Money as a Student

When you are a student, it’s easy to feel as though your budget doesn’t stretch quite as far as you need it to. It’s something a lot of students are faced with and you are certainly not alone. Luckily, there are a tonne of effective ways to save money.

How to Save Money When You’re a Student

  • Bring a Packed Lunch – It doesn’t matter whether you are heading to a lecture or you are off on a day trip with friends, eating out is expensive. Even if you try to do things as cheaply as possible, nothing is as cheap as bringing a lunch that you have made yourself. If you plan ahead, there is no reason as to why your packed lunch can’t be just as enjoyable.
  • Set Up a Savings Direct Debit – As a student, setting up a direct debit from one of your bank accounts to another can be really helpful. You can pick a certain date each month and automatically transfer money out of your account, into one that you use solely for savings. Even if you can only manage a small amount each month, it does all add up.
  • Sell Clothes and Old Books – When you are studying, you will inevitably end up with a collection of books that you no longer need or use. Instead of hoarding them, sell them and make some extra cash. You can also sell clothes that you no longer wear as secondhand on dedicated apps and websites.
  • Walk Whenever You Can – It’s always tempting to drive or take public transport when you’re going out, but the cost of this all adds up. To save money, walk whenever you can. It may seem as though petrol and bus fares are only small costs, but over time the total cost does build up.

As you can see, there are a number of different ways that you can save money as a student. At The Work Vault, we understand that budgeting and saving as a student is tough. That is why we work hard to connect employers with students who are willing to work. To find out more, get in touch.
