

Staying In Touch

The simplicity of the workspace.


We built the workspace to allow seamless communication between the buyer and the seller. With it, employers can easily start a private conversation with students before accepting their bid.

Students cannot contact employers without a live bid in place. This is to stop employers being contacted without consent.

However employers can search the database of students and contact them to discuss the opportunity of working for them if they have a project they don’t want to open up for bidding.

When one party deletes a message from their workspace the message will still be visible for the other party to see. If both parties delete the message then the message will be removed from our servers and cannot be returned.

When Can’t You Talk:

After posting a project, the employer will begin receiving bids. They can then message potential winners to discuss their brief further or discuss the project in more detail. Once this happens the freelancer is free to reply.

However once the bidding has stopped and the project has been awarded the messaging function will stop for students (unless they are the winner in which case the project will open up for them in the workspace).

Students can only reply once they have bid, they cannot initiate the conversation. So get your proposal right first time.