Giving Back
Our belief
We strongly believe in giving back to the community and supporting causes we believe in. We built The Work Vault to support students and local businesses it was something about the fact that students were graduating but still struggling to to get jobs due to their experience level that was really bugging us, you can read more about that on our Why We Are Here page.
Don’t Mention It
Since our inception we have been donating a percentage of our profits to support local and national charities. We try not to shout about it since it’s just something we believe in and not something we do for PR stunts or to get some cheap marketing. However we think you should know that when you use our platform you will not only be supporting students and local businesses you will be supporting worthwhile charities.
If you would like to know more then please get in touch and we will give you a breakdown of the current charities we are working with and why. It’s not something we publicly talk about, but we are happy to share it with you on a personal level.
Suggest A Charity
If you have a particular charity you would like us to support then please get in touch at we work with a selected charity for 12 months at a time and then our team can nominate other charities for us to work with. We consider you part of out team so please feel free to make suggestions.
Thank You
We here at TWV just wanted to say thank you for your support and belief in what we are building. We really couldn’t do any of this without any of you. You are all amazing!