

The Work Vault
15th July 2019
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Start a Freelancing Business While Studying Full-Time

Start a Freelancing Business While Studying Full-Time
Thoughtful man thinking writing notes in cafe, serious student studying or working in cafeteria, focused pensive writer searching for inspiration muse looking for new creative ideas in public place

There’s no denying that life can be expensive when you are studying full time. Not only do you have books to buy and socialising to do, but it can be difficult to hold down a standard job. This is because many jobs don’t tend to work around your timetable and there’s rarely much flexibility. This is why a lot of students are turning to freelancing as a way to make money. If you are creative or have an interest in being an entrepreneur, starting a freelancing business may be the answer.

How to Start Freelancing While Studying

  • Become a Freelancer – In order to start a successful freelancing business, you need to become a freelancer. This is something that most students find to be extremely easy to do, as it usually just requires a quiet place to work and a computer to work on. However, don’t make the mistake of assuming that freelancing is all sitting around and watching television. In order to be successful, you need to have talent and a desire to maintain an income.
  • Decide on What Type of Freelancing You Want to Do – There are a lot of freelancing business opportunities out there, so you will need to work out what your skills and expertise are best suited to. There are businesses from all around the world that are always looking for copywriting, coding, design, administrative, development and marketing freelancers to help with their workload. These companies want freelancers who are talented, but also flexible and capable.
  • Generate Freelance Work – Of course, you won’t get very far with a freelancing business if you don’t generate freelance work. There are a number of ways to find work as a freelancer, so it is worthwhile exploring a number of avenues. Freelancer marketplaces are a good place to start as this is where businesses will advertise exactly what you are looking for, and job posting websites also work well. You may even want to ask friends and family, as there’s no telling who could be in need of your services.

Here at The Work Vault, we do everything that we can to make finding work as a student as easy as possible. If you are interested in starting a freelancing business, we have a tonne of people who have projects ready to go.
