

The Work Vault
8th April 2019
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The Reality Of Remote Working

The Reality Of Remote Working

With developments in technology, working from home has become a lot easier. This has led to an increase in companies who are opting for a remote workforce. There are a lot of benefits that come with a remote workforce, for both the employer and the employee.

Why More and More Companies are Opting for a Remote Workforce

  • It Can Save Employers and Workers Money – When you consider the overhead costs of running a business, it’s easy to see why a lot of companies opt for a remote workforce. There’s no need to pay for desks and computers, among other things. A lot of the major costs of hiring someone are cut down simply by offering them the option to work remotely, even if they only choose to work remotely some of the time. Employees can also save money by working remotely, as there aren’t any travel costs to factor in.
  • It Helps to Boost Productivity – A lot of people make the mistake of assuming that a remote workforce is a distracted one, but this isn’t the case at all. In fact, a lot of people who work from home actually end up being more focused and productive than if they were in the workplace. There are no distracting coworkers to worry about and there’s no chance of arriving late. A boost in productivity is hugely beneficial to the company as a whole, as tasks are completed quicker.
  • Employees are Usually Happier – People who work from home are usually a lot happier and it’s easy to see why. Remote working offers employees the freedom to work in a way that suits them and it is extremely flexible. When an employee is happier, they tend to work quicker and to a higher standard.

When you consider the time that you have to dedicate to studying and the cost of travel, it isn’t always easy for students to find a suitable job. This is why a lot of students are now choosing to work from home as part of a remote workforce. As The Work Vault, we help to make this a reality by bringing together businesses and students. Take a look at some of our current remote working projects on offer.
