

The Work Vault
1st April 2019
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Building A Business While At University

Building A Business While At University

A lot of students need to work whilst at university, as a way to afford the costs that come with living away from home and studying. However, this doesn’t necessarily require you to head out into the workforce. Now, a lot of students are building their own business alongside studying.

How to Build a Business as a Student

  • Use Your Spare Time – Though you will have to study and attend lectures, most students do have a fair amount of spare time when they are at university. This is spare time that you can dedicate to building your business. Rather than wasting it gaming or watching movies, use your time as productively as you can.
  • Consider Who You Are Surrounded With – When you are building a business, it’s a good idea to pay attention to those around you. At university you will be surrounded by a tonne of different students, which is ideal for business inspiration. Think about what students want, what students need and what type of business will appeal to them.
  • Connect With Others – As you are sure to know, university is a place with a diverse range of students. There are students from different countries, different cities and of all ages. This means that there are a lot of people for you to connect with, those who can spread the word far and wide. The more people you connect with, the easier it will be to spread the word about your business.
  • Remember It’s Okay to Fail – As a student, you probably don’t have that much experience of building a business and managing the level of responsibility that it brings. You will need to make sacrifices and take risks, which is a lot for a student to handle. When you are building a business, remember that it’s okay to fail. Simply, learn from your mistakes and give it another go.

Building a business when you are a student can be daunting, but the hard work certainly pays off. At The Work Vault you can find out more about working whilst at university and connecting with existing businesses.
