

The Work Vault
28th January 2019
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Business Outsourcing & Students

Busy desk with student working hard

Our Top 4 Reason Why It Works

We built The Work Vault to help students. We also believe that connecting and working with students can help businesses succeed while giving an amazing opportunity to the people they employ.

Students are an untapped resource waiting to be tapped. But let’s take a look at our top 4 reasons that using The Work Vault to fill your outsourcing needs is one of the best moves you can make for your business.

Students want to (do good) work.

Believe it or not, students want to work! A recent study revealed that 77% of students are now working part-time to help fund their studies, and they need all the help they can get in that department.

And once they’re at work, students want to hit metrics and be considered great employees to keep their jobs, whether it’s for their CV’s, skill development, professional references, or just simply cash flow.

Students need a steady job.

Besides not wanting to go through the headache of reapplying for a summer job year after year, university students need a consistent cash source so they can pay for their living expenses plus their general university expenses.

Students who live and study in England but outside London, have a total ‘average’ expenditure of £22,189 each academic year.

Students need business skills.

We probably don’t need to tell you this, but teamwork, decision making, problem solving, and verbal communication are the skills which employers say that recent graduates lack the most. That’s where The Work Vault helps. We let businesses work with students while they are still developing these skills.

Their positions can lead to full-time jobs with your company.

When you hire someone on a freelance basis, you have the opportunity build some serious loyalty with them. They get to learn your business, and you get to learn about their skills and personality. And if you hire that person before they’ve ever applied for a full-time job, you basically get first dibs on them after they graduate.

This isn’t just a fluff blog, we regularly post projects for our own company, because we believe in what we stand for. An opportunity for students, a reliable workforce for businesses and for both to grow together.
