

The Work Vault
18th March 2019
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Need some help studying?

Need some help studying?

Studying in the modern world is definitely different to how it used to be. Whilst the basics might be the same, there are a variety of things that you can do to try and make things that little bit easier. One way that you might not think of is by using apps that you can download to your phone or tablet.

But where do you start when it comes to finding apps that can help with your studies? Let’s take a look at some of the most popular and the most useful too.


One of the most useful things that students have found over the years are flashcards. Not only are they simple to make, but they also ensure that the information that you need is neatly presented, allowing you to absorb it in smaller chunks. This particular app brings flashcards into the modern world, as well as allowing you to upload any class study materials that you might have, ready to share with any of your fellow students.


When you are studying there is a good chance that you are going to need to capture a note or a memo quickly. A great way to do that is with Evernote. This app was designed to allow you to save any note or memo that you need, in any format. This could be a web clip, a photo, an audio file or even a handwritten note. Ready for you to review when you need it.

Oxford Dictionary

No student would be without the Oxford Dictionary, of course, you can choose to have this in paper format, but what about when you are out and about? A great alternative is to download the app, which will allow you to have everything that you need from this instantly recognisable reference point, but without having to carry a heavy book around with you.

Dragon Dictation

Do you find that you are tiring yourself out from typing or writing by hand? If this is true for you then why not try out the Dragon Dictation app? As the name suggests this app records anything that you say and saves it digitally. You can then paste this recording into another app or perhaps send it as an email message, or save it for later on. Giving your tired hands a rest.

MyHomework Student Planner

There is no denying that many of us could be better when it comes to planning our time. Which is where the app MyHomework Student Planner is incredibly useful This great app will allow you keep a track of your classes, your homework and any tasks that you need to complete, all in one place.

When it comes to studying, finding ways that you can make things easier is always going to be welcome. Not only can it save you time, but it can also help you to focus and improve how you actually perform when the time to sit your exam comes or when you need to write one of those all-important papers.
